Continuous Sales Improvement Podcast

Napoleon Hill Success Principles

(August 19 - 30, 2024)

Enjoy the 15-minute motivational messages in the following ways:

1. Join Daily at 7:45 am PST via Zoom Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn

(Zoom Meeting ID: 916 626 1945 | Passcode: eric)

2. Over the phone: +16699006833,,9166261945# US

3. Listen on PodBean - CLICK HERE

4. Listen on Apple Podcasts – CLICK HERE

6. Watch the replays on this page below!

Events Calendar

Daily Motivational Calls Start Sept 2024 (Mon - Fri)

[08.30] Lesson 10: Creative Vision

Class Notes

[08.29] Lesson 9: Going the Extra Mile

[08.28] Lesson 8: Habits

[08.27] Lesson 7: Personal Initiative

[08.26] Lesson 6: Accurate Thinking

[08.23] Lesson 5: Budgeting Time and Money

[08.22] Lesson 4: Controlled Attention

[08.22] Lesson 4: Controlled Attention

[08.21] Lesson 3: Adversity and Defeat

[08.20] Lesson 2: Applied Faith

[08.19] Lesson 1: Definiteness of Purpose