Continuous Sales Improvement WEEKLY Podcast

(2023 Weekly Motivational Calls - Every Friday)

Enjoy the 15-minute motivational messages in the following ways:

1. Join FRIDAYS at 7:45 am PST via Zoom, Facebook, YouTube or LinkedIn

2. Over the phone: +16699006833,,9166261945# US

3. Listen on PodBean - CLICK HERE

4. Listen on Apple Podcasts – CLICK HERE

6. Watch the replays on this page below!


[12.29 Episode] Lock In Goals

[12.22 Episode] Action

[12.15 Episode] Who are you BEing?

[12.08 Episode] Affirmation vs. Declaration

[12.01 Episode] Urgency

[11.17 Episode] Why Mindset Matters?

[11.10 Episode - Being]

[11.03 Episode - Put Your Time Into the Right Activities]

[10.27 Episode - Thinking Creates Actions, Creates Results]

[10.20 Episode - Think BIG!]

[10.13 Episode - Focus on Today]

[10.06 Episode - Declarations vs. Affirmations]

[09.29 Episode - Intentions for the 4th Quarter]

[09.22 Episode - Try Something New]

[09.15 Episode - Highest Expression of Yourself]

[09.08 Episode - Try New Things]

[09.01 Episode - Consistency]

[08.25 Episode - Do With Excellence]

[08.18 Episode - What it is so Vs. Reality]

[08.11 Episode - Closing and Prospecting Tips]

[08.04 Episode - Micro-Improvements]

[07.28 Episode - Focus on What You Want to Create]

[07.21 Episode - Welcome Back!]