How to Become the Go-To Person in Your Industry

Are you ready to take your business to new heights and become the go-to person in your industry? If the answer is yes, then we have an exciting opportunity tailor-made for you!

Join us for an encore presentation of "How to Become the Go-To Person in Your Industry" featuring Eric Lofholm and Terilee Harrison In this exclusive online event, you'll gain invaluable insights and proven strategies to establish yourself as a respected authority, boost credibility, and increase sales in your niche.

Dates: Saturday, August 26th

Time: 9 AM PST | 12 PM EST

Sign Up Now!

During this masterclass, you will learn:

  • How to harness the power of creating and sharing compelling content that will enhance your credibility and drive sales like never before.
  • The art of content repurposing, a game-changing technique that will leverage your time and extend your reach to a wider audience.
  • For those who love speaking: Explore the world of podcasting, live streams, and videos to effectively showcase your expertise and captivate your target audience.
  • For those who enjoy writing: Discover the impact of crafting articles and books to establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your industry.
  • Master the art of public speaking and learn how to address groups with confidence and impact.
  • Transform your knowledge and expertise into a profitable course or program that attracts your ideal clients.
  • Uncover the untapped potential of growing your email list and how it can drive consistent growth for your business.

About Us

Eric Lofholm International is a professional sales training company that offers sales scripting and training programs.

Eric Lofholm

Eric is a best selling author, master sales trainer, and influential speaker who has worked with world renowned sales experts. Over the past two decades he has helped ordinary business owners and sales teams generate nearly $500 million in revenue. He's taken his experience and created training programs that have helped more than 10,000 students improve their sales skills.

Terilee Harrison

Terilee Harrison is an online and face-to-face networking expert/trainer, international speaker, author, and entrepreneur. She is passionate about connecting business owners globally to the professionals they need to meet to help them accomplish their goals and dreams.